Sunday, March 31, 2013

Museum Comparison

Venus on a dolphin by Albrecht Durer and Circe and her lovers in a landscape by Dosso Dossi both feature singular mythological women with the only other feature of the piece being animals. Circe is the goddess of magic while Venus is the goddess of love. Dossi and Durer approach the composition of their pieces very differently; Dossi utilizes the full picture plane of his piece, filling his composition with landscape and a variety of animals and color. While Durer on the other hand takes a simpler approach, using thin line work, a simple composition, and a lack of color to exemplify an equally as mystical narrative. Both pieces leave you with a curiosity about the goddess’ serene gaze and their deep connection to the nature around them. Since Dossi uses color, he uses the sfumato technique to create dimension while Durer uses cross-hatching. Dossi’s full piece is dimensional, yet Durer focuses dimension only on the central figures.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Artist Statement

Raegan Stewart
Design II
 Midterm Artist Statement
            The first project we worked on was a modular relief; this was our first project in which we worked in pairs. I partnered up with a very talented Student Shannon S. whom I found incredibly easy to work with. We both understood our need to compromise at time and to respect each other’s artistic integrity. We decided to do a window hanging, reminiscent of a cherry blossom tree. The most challenging part of this was keeping a balance of interaction and stability- we wanted the flowers to be able to have motion while still being sturdily connected to the tree. We tested many different materials for this including, Bristol board, wire, metal O-rings, but eventually decided on a simple white string which allowed a lot of movement in the flowers. We decided the piece should be a-symmetrical which would allow it to feel to have a sense of both order and freedom. Order since the flowers are in columns but freedom since there was a lack of specific pattern within their placements. Though they did gradually become smaller and shift in color as one moves down the column. Originally the project was meant to be quite large 2 yards by 2 yards so Shannon and I had made nearly 200 flowers to compensate for the size of the project, we then found though that we were allowed to significantly scale back the project to 3 foot by 3 foot; though this excited us we were also upset about all the extra flowers we now had. We solved this problem by adding a backing to our flowers making them not only more aesthetically pleasing but also more stable. Over all the project was in my opinion a success, Shannon was a wonderful partner who I would love to work with in the future, and the piece turned out to be a very delicate beauty.

            Our second assignment was to experiment with different materials for our upcoming project. We were instructed to cut foam core in a variety of ways to transform in into a more 3 dimensional sculpture. We accomplished this by either stacking them as serial planes or scoring them to create curvilinear forms. It was very challenging to keep the planes in a rhythmic gradation, this meaning that each plane was only slightly different from the rest tricking the eye into seeing a singular form instead of perceiving it as a collection of planes. The transitions between each plane had to be subtle, meaning a similar volume and shape for each plane. The foam core was also known to chip easily as well creating a tension for the workmanship of the over all piece. This assignment though did help with the final project since it allowed me to get familiar with my material and to begin planning what would be most probable and successful for my final piece.

            This final piece being my architectonic sculpture, along with this challenge of creating an architectural form we also had to incorporate recycled materials.  To create unity the repurposed materials had to remain in the same color palette as the white foam core. We also were expected to incorporate all of our knowledge from the previous plane studies to add to the overall success of the sculpture. I decided to draw my inspiration from India artwork; I began to cut out shapes inspired by different India paintings I had found online. As I continued working though I began to relate to layers and the different shades of white and cream that I was working with to wedding cakes. So I began incorporating this, I used an eggshell white ribbon to wrap around the buildings and topped each off with a clear form resembling a flower. Also using recycled corks to incorporate the presence of fine wines at weddings. I found that the airiness, colors, and delicacy of each piece incorporated create a great sense of unity through out the sculpture. I fell in love with the simplicity and cleanness of it all. My biggest challenge for the sculpture was keeping the foam core smooth since I didn’t want it to conflict with the cleanness of the piece. I solved this by adding layers of matt paint to the planes and sanding them creating a smoother edge.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Architectural project

All these shapes and measurements! You know I went to art school to avoid this...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ujiie Reading

1. 1- 2 planes can meet at a commen edge as when a paper shape is folded. 2- an edge of one place can abut a face of another. 3- 2 planes can interpenetrate, pass through one another.

Enviornmental Plane- A structure that can help to define the space in which a planar object finds itself. For example a desk top, shelves, the surface of the earth, walls, floors, ect. Architectural Place- Is a form that from the outside is regarded as a solid mass and on the interior as a series of volumes. In an architectural plane all the environmental planes colaberate to create a closed off space of shapes.
3. An architectonic form is a form that consists of both vertical and horizontal planes that is commonly used in the design world. A) the regular geometric shape encorporating the features of rectangles, triangles, or circles. B) Primary emphasis on horizontals and verticals for structural reasons C) A contrast of interior and exterior space with attention to the transitions between them
4. Reflective surfaces, like mirrors, create an illusion of space that’s entering a closed surface like a wall, this opens up an imaginary sense of space for a closed environment.
 5. Planes can define volume by virtue of their shape, for example a square could be a slice or cross section of a cube.
1.            Organization- Overall pattern that unites an object together in a comprehensive purposeful way.
2.            Synergy- A way to describe an element in art of which the individual pieces of the work seem mundane but combined they create a startling and expressive whole.
3.            Order and freedom- The balance of keeping the richness of a free unorderly piece of art, but also maintaining the unified, and there for easier for the viewer to accept and view, quality of ordered art.
4.            Structure and unity- The approach of using a more fomalized and mathematical system to unify a piece.
5.            Symmetry- A system of balancing a piece by using systematic repeating patterns of form within a composition.
6.            Repetition within variety- A piece that repeats certain elements but varies others, for example it may have unified colors through out the piece but different special realtions between each object.
7.            Rhythm and gradation- Artwork with systematic repetition that’s interrupted by intervals of change.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

body skeletal study

this is the labeled body, gonna have to do lots of studying for the anatomy test, anatomy isn't exactly my strong point! yikes!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Art quote #3

"It makes a big difference to recycle. It makes a big difference to use recycled products. It makes a big difference to reuse things, to not use the paper cup - and each time you do, that's a victory." Emily D.

This reflects the importance of our new recycling project. People forget that little things like using that cup you'll have to wash instead of the paper cup makes a big difference over time. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Art quote #2

“Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television.” 
 Woody Allen

A comment on how we live as a consumer and entertainment driven world instead of the beautifully inspired lives we could be leading.

Coming together

Everything's progressing well, the trees really starting to take shape!

Big ol mess

Making a huge mess trying to get our tree together. Luckily our teacher had some big pieces of foam core for us to use! Awesome!

Flower Power

Shannon and I have been working our fingers to the bones making our origami flowers. Took ten hours but totally worth it!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Origami quote

"When you fold a piece of paper, your essentially changing the memory of that piece"- Eric Demaine

This quote gives a sense that unlike other art forms where you are building up from nothing origami is the art of taking something and changing it's entire meaning and form. You transform a flat piece of paper into a dimensional work with character and depth. I think this quote demonstrates all that in a very eloquent and alluding manner. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ujiie HW 1

1.Describe the design process; it’s categories and how it is used as you outline step 1, 2 and 3?
            Step 1: Identify the Problem
-       Establish what the problem is and if a solution already exists or if one needs to be found. Discover the limitations that set the boundaries of the problem, like criteria or requirments.
Step 2: Generate Ideas
-       Brainstorm (using a friend to bound ideas of off and listen to their ideas)
-       Mental inventory (think through your own ideas and memories.
-       Research (investigate documents, online prints, or images)
-       Lateral thinking (ideas that are unusual but effective)
-       Thumbnail sketches (quick, small, very general sketches)
-       Sketch models (3d equivelents of thumbnail sketches)
-       Written notations(put all thoughts onto paper)
-       Drawing (first a presentation to represent idea then a working drawing that is more technical and schematic)
Step 3: Refine and Analyze
-       Model and Mock-ups (3d representations of project)

2. Define Three-dimensional form and find a new example using the research links.

-Forms having 3 dimensions, height, width, and depth;  forms in actual.

Ex. Tony Smith’s piece Moondog (1964 at Paula Cooper Gallery)
3. Define Space and find a new example using the research links.

-space refers to distances or areas around, between or within components of a piece

ex. Tang Yau Hoong creates two focal points in her 2011 piece, both the negative and positive space create a picture
4. Define Positive and negative space in3-D form, find a new example using the research links.
-The negative space is defined by the edges of the positive space and the frame or border

ex. Interior design team that calls themselves “Lilu” created this sculptural piece in which the negative space is just as shapely and interesting as the positive space.
5.Define Direction and find a new example using the research links.
- The relationship that defines the orientation of any space between to points.
6. Define Scale and find a new example using the research links.

-the proportion or ratio that defines the size relationships

ex. Fra Angelico’s Annunciation, though Mary seems to scale with the Arc Angel, if she were to stand she would actually be much taller than the angel or in fact the building itself.
7. Define Point of view and frame of reference, and find a new example using the research links.
-what position an observer is in relation to the objects in a picture

ex. Lee Price’s painting of the girl on the dock represents a birds eye view in which the observer feels they are looking down upon the girl.