Tuesday, February 26, 2013

body skeletal study

this is the labeled body, gonna have to do lots of studying for the anatomy test, anatomy isn't exactly my strong point! yikes!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Art quote #3

"It makes a big difference to recycle. It makes a big difference to use recycled products. It makes a big difference to reuse things, to not use the paper cup - and each time you do, that's a victory." Emily D.

This reflects the importance of our new recycling project. People forget that little things like using that cup you'll have to wash instead of the paper cup makes a big difference over time. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Art quote #2

“Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television.” 
 Woody Allen

A comment on how we live as a consumer and entertainment driven world instead of the beautifully inspired lives we could be leading.

Coming together

Everything's progressing well, the trees really starting to take shape!

Big ol mess

Making a huge mess trying to get our tree together. Luckily our teacher had some big pieces of foam core for us to use! Awesome!

Flower Power

Shannon and I have been working our fingers to the bones making our origami flowers. Took ten hours but totally worth it!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Origami quote

"When you fold a piece of paper, your essentially changing the memory of that piece"- Eric Demaine

This quote gives a sense that unlike other art forms where you are building up from nothing origami is the art of taking something and changing it's entire meaning and form. You transform a flat piece of paper into a dimensional work with character and depth. I think this quote demonstrates all that in a very eloquent and alluding manner.